
Imaging & Medical
Records Indexing

Our scanning services provide a comprehensive solution for digitizing physical records and documents.We use state-of-the-art scanners to ensure the highest quality digital images, and can scan documents ina variety of formats including PDF, TIFF, JPEG, and more.

Our scanning services:

  • Include document indexing and organization
  • Provide an efficient way to store and manage your documents.
  • Offer secure cloud storage solutions
  • Help you to quickly and easily organize and find your documents.

Our indexing services provide an easy way to store and organize your digital files. We use advanced technology and double key typing to quickly and accurately index your documents. We provide both on-premises and cloud-based solutions to allow you to quickly and easily access your data from anywhere. Our indexing services

  • Are tailored to your specific output format
  • Can be used to create searchable databases of your documents, images
  • Include document management tools, to search for specific files or quickly browse through large collections
  • Used to identify and classify documents by their content
  • Provide powerful analytics to help you better understand and utilize your data.

Providers across the United States have partnered with eData’s EMR-neutral indexing solutions to automate patient health information customized to their unique needs.

Records processed by us includes :

  • Patient records
  • Medical charts
  • Patient intake forms
  • Lab results
  • Physician orders
  • Explanation of benefits(EOBs)
  • Clinical history
  • Insurance bills and information
  • Health insurance ID cards
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